RoadSport is located at 116 Railway Avenue, Campbell, CA 95008

If you don’t already know us, you will find that we are very different from other car dealerships you have visited in the past. There are no commissioned sales people, and no games. We are a family owned and run business, and have been selling premium quality pre-owned sports, luxury, and special interest motorcars in Silicon Valley for over 30 years, and more than 90 percent of our customers are referrals.

Anyone can sell you a car, but what about your next five cars? Most dealerships say they are interested in customer satisfaction. At RoadSport, we live it. As a testament to this dedication, we are delighted to announce that we were awarded Best of Silicon Valley 2009-2015 by readers of the San Jose Mercury News. Please review our customer testimonials on Yelp. It is important to us that you experience a high level of comfort regarding the quality of your vehicle purchase, and we strive to attain this level of satisfaction with every customer. To do this, we can never let you down.

What if you could choose the year, make, model and color of your next pre-owned car, and get a great deal? Now you can! We have direct access to all manufacturer auctions, and will hand select a vehicle on your behalf. You can rest assured that only the finest vehicles meet our high standards, and are delivered to our customers in showroom condition. Why settle for less?



RoadSport would like to thank our customers and readers of the San Jose Mercury News for voting us the Best Car Dealer of Silicon Valley 2009 & 2010.
RoadSport specializes in the purchase of BMW, Mercedes, and Porsche, although we have direct access to all manufacturer auctions and will hand select any vehicle make and model on your behalf. You can rest assured that only the finest vehicles meet our high standards and are delivered to our customers in showroom condition.
Please feel free to browse our current inventory, or place a custom order for the vehicle you desire. We will work closely with you to locate the exact vehicle that meets your needs. Why settle for less?
We look forward to welcoming you to our extended family of customers and friends, and invite you to call us at 408-205-4567.